THE NEST is the nursery at the gym. It is constantly filled with little ones. Well, not my little one. I try to time my workouts around Randy's schedule so Princess Keeli can stay home and enjoy her dad. It is not that I do not like THE NEST. I just have a difficult time leaving Keeli with strangers. My sister, Trish, keeps telling me I really need to take Keeli to get her acclimated to new surroundings, new adults and meet kids. I don't know why but my heart starts palpitating and I get panicky just thinking of dropping her off to complete strangers for an hour.
Keeli is now eleven months old. I know it is time for her to venture out and leave her mom and dad for a wee hour a day. It has come to my attention that Keeli feels the same way I do. She does not feel that she needs to go to the nest. She is content and just fine hanging out at home with dad. Keeli is to the point that before we open the door to THE NEST she is in full blown cry mode. It truly breaks my heart handing her over to the lovely nest ladies. Keeli is bawling and I am close to it.
I now hear "I told you so" from my younger sister. Are younger sisters allowed to tell older, wiser, sisters what they are doing wrong? "I don't think so." I am now taking Keeli every day to the nest. I am hoping that this feeling of attachment will lessen for both her and me. I hate to admit that it makes me smile to know that she loves us as much as we love her.
Enjoy her wanting to be home!!!!It really doesn't last that long:(
You LOVE that she cries for you. You stand and wait to make sure she feels some separation anxiety. Yes, Keeli is loved, and it is reciprocated.
I couldn't part from her for one minute. Happiness is a baby named Keeli!
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