Sunday, December 21, 2008


We are having so much fun this Christmas season with Keeli. She loves the tree, the stockings, Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus. She was so excited when we told her we going to see Santa. She was telling everyone she saw at the mall all about Santa. Evidently, she is all talk. As you can see in these pictures she wanted nothing to do with Santa. It looks like we will stick to the pictures of Santa. The real thing is way to traumatic.


Trish said...

The look on Santa's face in that first picture is priceless. I don't know who is more afraid, him or Keeli. She still looks like a princess....although a screaming one.

Martinson/Adam/Tiff said...

Good times Jana. She is kinda like Kenna!. You need to start talking about Austin. He is going to be gone soon. I just am preparing myself to listen to you cry nonstop.

cindy said...

I know what I want for Keeli please!

She is seriously the most adorable little girl!

My family loves her too--Luke and Jaycee talked about her nonstop all day after her sacrament meeting antics!

Jane Anne said...

She's so darling.

this year I think I've seen more photos of kids crying on Santa's lap then of kids smiling on his lap. What's up?

Co-chillin with the Roths said...

should have sent these to the Ellen show. Actually, do it next year - she'll show them on air.

Nikki said...

I just had that experience of a screaming child on Santa's lap with Kiana. Poor Santa, what that guy goes through...on a happier not...Keeli is SOOO cute

Linda said...

Those are the CUTEST pictures ever!!! Way cuter than if she was just sitting there smiling. I haven't seen her cry like that since she was in Seattle and she saw her Dad holding Kari-Lynn's baby. Seriously, she was playing all happy, and then she looked up and saw Randy with the baby....all of a sudden the tears started from a broken heart!!!