I had no idea how addicted I was to all the political shows until they were taken away from me. We went up to our friend's cabin over Labor Day Weekend. It did not occur to me that we were in the mountains and there was no cable. "What? No Hardball? No O-Reilly? No Hannity?" How could I go for five days with no information about the presidential race? I was a little sad. O-kay, not too sad that I missed Obama's grand speech at the DNC. I was more sad that I missed the pundit's reaction to Obama's speech. I would have to suck it up and just settle for the local news to get my fix. I asked my friend, Angie, if I could go watch the news to get my daily political briefing. She looked at me and replied, "We don't have T.V." I commented, "I know I just want channel two, four or five to get the local news." "We don't have two, four or five. We don't have any T.V." she exclaimed.
How was I supposed to know how Chris Matthews felt about Obama's speech? Oh silly me, I don't have to wonder. I know how he felt. I am sure he got chills down his leg. What about O-Reilly; he is fair and balanced, or Glen Beck? I went to bed a little lonely without these men telling me their opinions. Oh wait, I forgot these are not opinion shows. LOL
It was a rough and long night, but I made it through. The big day had arrived. Who was McCain going to choose as his running mate? Lucky for me, Angie had XM radio in her car. It is not as good as seeing it but at least I can hear the latest political buzz. "Sarah Palin", Who is she? Where is she from? Why did he pick her? I had so many questions. I really needed my shows to let me know about this new V.P. pick. I was a bit perplexed over this pick. No Romney? Is she capable of becoming President if needs be. I made it through the weekend with no political buzz. I am back to my political forums every night. I have come to like Sarah Palin. I am confused about Obama. I still don't understand why he won't put his hand on his chest during the Pledge of Allegiance. I wonder why he states he is Catholic but when he took the oath for office as Senator he put his hand on the Koran. He took the American Flag off of his airlplane and put a picture of himself. I am confused why half the country wants this man to become President. I understand that our country and world are having problems and a change in leadership is needed. But, are we that desperate for change that we will accept any type of change or anybody that says he stands for change regardless of their lack of experience and being unproven? I am not claiming to be a political analyst, but these are simple questions that need some explanation.
So, for the next couple of months we are on a political roller coaster. I have found through my nightly news shows that if you are an Obama fan, MSNBC is the station for you. They love the man! If you are a McCain fan, Fox is it. If you are on the fence, CNN is the station that has the most balanced coverage. It took some time to warm up to McCain but he will be getting my vote.